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Julianna Wood

Youth Director

Photo of Julianna Wood

Julianna was born and raised in Chilliwack, BC and has called Central her home church for almost her entire life. After going through Central’s youth ministry program, she began to discover her own passion for youth ministry. She then joined Central’s youth team and pursued a two year certificate in applied youth ministry with The Coalition for Youth Ministry. There she met her amazing husband Ethan, and after getting married, felt called to serve alongside him in his ministry in Edmonton and moved out there. All until, they both felt God calling them to move to Chilliwack and serve Central’s youth together.

Julianna is thrilled to be back at Central! What she loves most about youth ministry is walking with teenagers and helping them understand that Jesus loves them more than they could ever imagine, and that having a relationship with him is the best decision that they could ever make!

When she’s not working, you can find Julianna in a Starbucks drive thru or sitting on her patio enjoying her new mountain view. She likes playing board games, only if there isn’t too much strategy involved and has a chance to beat you. Also, she is always down to share some laughs and have a heart to heart conversation over a cup of coffee (at Starbucks of course.)

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:7