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The Gospel Of Matthew

The Gospel Of Matthew | End Of The Age Discourse

We continue our sermon series in the Gospel of Matthew with The End of the Age Discourse in Matthew 24-25 where Jesus teaches about the near and distant future of the church and what it looks like for His disciples to be found ready.


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Showing items 1 to 10 of 992

  • What Comes Next | Promontory Campus | The Gospel Of Matthew: The End Of The Age Discourse

    Matthew 24:15-31

    As Jesus teaches his disciples about what will happen at the End Times, he gives them warnings about what will happen next.  Jesus warns them about the disasters that will take place, but also the false prophets who will come.  He calls his disciples to heed his warnings and endure faithfully as they wait for his return. 


  • A Day, Those Days, And The Day | Harrison & Lake Errock Campuses | The Gospel Of Matthew: The End Of The Age Discourse

    Matthew 24:15-31

    Jesus continues to unpack the complicated and convoluted question of the disciples at the beginning of Matthew 24. As Jesus points to his ultimate return and coronation as King we learn to expect suffering, be wary of false messiahs, and get about the kingdom business of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, because our only hope is found in Him as King and Savior.

  • It's The End Of The World As We Know It And I Feel Fine | Agassiz Campus | The Gospel Of Matthew: The End Of The Age Discourse

    Matthew 24:15-31

    Jesus shares about the great tribulation, which reminds us of the tumultuous times ahead, where uncertainty and chaos may abound. Yet, amidst this foreboding storm, it's crucial to anchor ourselves in the unwavering truth that Jesus is who he says he is, and he will reign supreme. His sovereignty helps us walk through all earthly trials and tribulations, offering hope and peace in the face of adversity.

  • The Space Between | Chilliwack Campus | The Gospel of Matthew: The End Of The Age Discourse

    Matthew 24:15-31

    In Matthew 24, Jesus speaks about two particular mountain peaks of human history: the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, and Jesus’ final return. But what do we do with the space between? Thankfully, in the End of the Age Discourse, Jesus speaks into this space known as the Gospel Age, by giving us several imperatives about how we can live faithfully as we eagerly await His return in the face of similar trials

  • Enduring To The End | Promontory Campus | The Gospel Of Matthew: The End Of The Age Discourse

    Matthew 24:1-14

    Few passages in the Bible have been a hotly debated as the “End of the Age Discourse” in Matthew. But while our minds are often drawn to the when and what of how all these things will take place, we must first remember Jesus’ primary aim in speaking these words. To exhort and encourage His followers to remain faithful and endure until the end, whenever that is. By heeding Jesus’ words to avoid deception and alarm, we can more effectively proclaim the gospel of the kingdom to the whole world as a testimony to all nations.

  • Endurance To The End | Harrison Campus | The Gospel Of Matthew: The End Of The Age Discourse

    Matthew 24:1-14

    Matthew 24-25 contains Jesus’ last discourse in the Gospel of Matthew. In this first part, Jesus forewarns his disciples of the sufferings they will need to endure before his second coming and the end of the age.

  • Road Signs; Watch For Hazards | Agassiz & Lake Errock Campuses | The Gospel Of Matthew: The End Of The Age Discourse

    Matthew 24:1-14

    God’s plan of redemption for mankind didn’t stop at the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  It continues into the future and eternity.  There will be ‘signs’ of His prophecy playing out.  What role do these signs play in the lives of Christians?

  • The Christian's Calling In the Last Days | Chilliwack Campus | The Gospel of Matthew: The End Of The Age Discourse

    Matthew 24:1-14

    A lot of time has been spent and ink has been spilt attempting to predict the return of Christ. In the End of the Age Discourse (Matthew 24-25) Jesus reveals the Christian’s calling between His ascension and return and the focal point is mission.

  • Easter Sunday | The Risen Christ | Agassiz Campus

    Revelation 1:17-18

    The risen Christ must be embraced as the loving, eternal God who died to save us and then came to life to defeat death and give us eternal life. To do this, we need to see Him for who He really is, we need to experience the powerful touch of His mighty right hand, and we must hear & believe His words to us.

  • Easter Sunday | Alive Forevermore | Chilliwack Campus

    Revelation 1:17-18

    On Easter Sunday we celebrate the real Jesus; the Jesus who died in our place, rose victorious, and is alive forevermore. This Jesus is more powerful than we assume, more loving than we can imagine, and more trustworthy than we dare hope.