We exist to be authentic followers of Jesus who lead others to follow Him.
We aim to see the entire eastern Fraser Valley transformed by the Gospel for the glory of God and good of all people.
Centred on the Gospel
The Good News of Jesus Christ, His finished work on the cross of atoning for our sin and offering us the free gift of grace, informs absolutely everything else in our lives and world. We are centred on the Gospel because the gospel changes everything.
Rooted in the Bible
The very words that God wanted us to know have been written and recorded for us in the Bible. The words the authors wrote are ultimately God’s words. That is why we preach from the Bible, not as a collection of nice stories, but as the very words of God. Yet ultimately the Scriptures point us to the true Word of God, Jesus Christ. He is the grand subject of the entire Bible and he is the One that we proclaim in our preaching and submit our lives to.
Gathered in Community
The Church, described as “the family of God”, the “household of God”, a “royal priesthood”, a “flock” with a Shepherd, “the bride of Christ” and a “body” where each member has a function, all point to deep relationship. Life is not meant to be lived alone. It is in isolation where God’s enemy does his best work of stealing, killing and destroying lives. Jesus did not do ministry alone, He did not send His disciples out alone, the early church did not send Apostles out alone, and the Apostle Paul did not do ministry alone. We are not meant to be alone. We were created for and called to be a people gathered in community.
Empowered by the Spirit
Jesus rose from the grave, delivered the Great Commission, and sent the Holy Spirit to empower us for the task that lies before us: telling the world about Jesus as we function as the Body of Christ, the Church. We neither want to ignore the Holy Spirit and His critical work in our lives, nor overemphasize the Holy Spirit beyond His role of building up the church and magnifying of Christ.
Equipped for Ministry
The task of leaders in the church is to equip the saints for the work of ministry. When we recognize that we are not called to be seat- fillers in the church but gift exercisers, we then function in our roles for the good of the Body of Christ and
magnification of Jesus Christ.
Sent on Mission
We are sent to be disciple-making disciples who go across the street and across the
world with the gospel, contribute to human flourishing in our community, and multiply churches for the glory of God and good of all people.
Explore our 'Church On Purpose' sermon series on our mission, vision and values.