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Central's Philosophy On Ministry

A mission is an aim or destination. A philosophy of ministry is how we intend to reach that aim or arrive at our intended destination. Our Mission at Central is to be authentic followers of Jesus who lead others to follow Him

Most evangelical churches have some articulation of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), of making disciples by baptizing them and teaching them the way of Jesus, as their mission (as they should). There is little diversity in that regard (and there shouldn't be). But there is great diversity in the philosophy of ministry (the how we'll get there). And there should be. A number of factors, including contextualization, dictate a church's methodology. 


Methodology, as boring as that sounds to many, is critically important for this reason: if we all want to go to New York City as a church family (that'd be fun!) that means we all agree on destination. But if some of us want to go by plane while some of us (for a reason that makes no sense to me) want to take Amtrak, we've got a problem. We're unified in destination but not in how to get there.

So if making disciples is our aim and destination, how do we approach that high and holy task at Central? The short answer is that our values articulate our methodology: By being Centred on the Gospel; Rooted in the Bible; Gathered in Community; Empowered by the Spirit; Equipped for Ministry; and Sent on Mission

Let me unpack three of the six below because I think it will help give a sense of our methodology:

[Jesus] gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all maturity.

(Ephesians 4:11-13)

Equipped for Ministry

Many churches function this way: Support the pastors in their ministry. Whereas the pastors of Central seek to support you in your ministry. That is a massive distinction.

The way we seek to see people come to Christ and grow in Christ is not primarily through supporting the pastor in his ministry but by supporting the congregation in their ministry. Everything we do flows from that conviction.

Centred on the Gospel

We preach the gospel every Sunday because the gospel isn't just the start of faith that you move on from but the very essence of our faith. We want the gospel to permeate and define every aspect of our lives and ministry. As we proclaim and apply the gospel thoroughly our congregation will come to know, believe, live and love the gospel and share it with others. 

When that happens church isn't simply "come and see" but also "go and be". It isn't "bring people to be converted by the professionals" but "go see those in your life converted". The journey to faith is often a long and messy road and the church certainly plays a part in that, but so do you. You play a key role not merely a minor supporting role.

Rooted in the Bible

We preach expositionally at Central. What that means is that when we gather on Sundays we walk through books of the Bible a few verses at a time and seek to understand what those verses mean in their context and then how they apply to us individually and corporately in ours.

This approach accomplishes a few things. It reveals the gospel in all of Scripture. We preach through Old Testament books, New Testament books, and the various genres found in Scripture. We help our church see that everything in the Bible is either preparation for the gospel, presentation of the gospel, or participation in the gospel. 

This pattern also consistently reinforces our trust in the authority of the Bible and that everyone can approach the Bible as we do each Sunday: open it, read a passage, understand it, and apply it. In this sense, our preaching is also equipping ministry.

We wrapped up our second year of running the Preaching Lab just before Christmas. Fourteen individuals participated this year, twelve the previous year.

On our final night together I asked the group for some feedback. One individual said they came to the Lab because it was only later in his life that someone told him about Jesus and he wanted to grow at communicating the gospel so others wouldn't have to wait to hear about Jesus as long as he did. Another said that they were glad and encouraged to see a church with good preachers put the Lab on and train rather than saying "we're good". We offer ministries like the Preaching Lab for precisely that reason: equipping for ministry.

Our philosophy of ministry or methodology is not to have 3 leaders empowered and equipped to minister but for our leaders to equip the 1000+ Jesus-followers who call Central home to minister.

I get a lot of joy from seeing those at Central taking part in our mission of making and growing disciples. It is far more satisfying when it is a group project. People discovering gifts, being stretched in those gifts while applying the mission of God to our lives, this is what it's all about! 

If you've been watching from the sidelines for a while I want to invite you to jump in and participate in the mission. As you do, you help us fulfill our philosophy of ministry: the people of God participating in the mission of God for the glory of God. 

Categories: Church , Ministry