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Elder's Update | May 2024

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”

Acts 2:42

We began our elders meeting this month by having dinner with the pastors and taking time to pray for each of them. What a privilege to rub shoulders with such amazing people! We as elders are so thankful to have such a gifted team of pastors serving the church. I am always impressed by them, not only in their ability to operate and lead their individual ministries, but how they disciple others to lead, inspire others to the vision, and love and be loved by our congregations. If you have a moment this week, take some time to thank a pastor for their hard work; ministry is often a thankless job and they all do it so faithfully and cheerfully.

“I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is to be revealed: shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.”

1 Peter 5:1-3

After our meal with the pastors, we were joined by our new elder candidates. This was an opportunity for elder candidates to ask us questions about the role as a part of the discernment process. I just have to say that God has been so good in raising up godly men from among us to become elders in our church and this year is no exception; these guys are awesome! Would you please join us in praying for the candidates as they, their families, and our church discern God’s will as they consider taking on the role of elder.

 “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

Matthew 6:33

 Over the past few years our church has grown immensely. With the launching of multiple campuses and a focus on getting those ministries going, we have deferred some housekeeping at our Chilliwack Campus, namely lighting, paint and sound treatments in the sanctuary. The time has come for us to replace a bunch of lighting before it dies on us completely. Consequently, we would like to remind everyone of our “Let There Be Light” fundraiser which is planned for Friday June 7th and 7pm. Please join us for a time of fun, fellowship, dessert, and an auction. There will also be an online auction beginning on June 2. If you can’t join us in person, please join us in praying that the Lord will provide for our needs, because ultimately if the Lord is not in it, we labour in vain. In any case, please join us in celebrating the 40 years of faithful ministry those old lights have seen, and looking forward to many more years of ministry under the new ones!

To God be the glory!

Justin Vugteveen
- On behalf of the Elders at Central Community

Finance Update

Stewarding God’s gifts is a significant part of leading the church. The Elders celebrated the faithfulness of those entrusted to oversee our finances, and the generosity of the congregation in support of the mission of the church. Our year to date giving has been strong exceeding the same period last year by 22%. At the same time, in keeping with our budget projections, year to date expenses reflect our commitment to ministry across the Eastern Fraser Valley. We currently have an expense to income shortfall of $111,544. This amount includes some $29,000 invested into new widows for our Lake Errock campus. Expenses continue to be monitored closely and in keeping with donations received and are well within budgetary parameters.

Finance Update  April 2024

On June 7th Central will hold our “Let There Be Light” fund raising evening with the goal of raising $160,000 to replace the antiquated lighting in the Chilliwack sanctuary and update projectors and sound proofing. It is our hope that the online and live auction portion of the evening, along with some fun games and opportunity to donate will see this practical need met. We invite you to join us for an evening of celebration, live music, and an opportunity to make a practical difference.

Stewarding the resources that God provides his people is a significant part of faithful discipleship. The Elders are grateful for the faithfulness and investment of God’s people who call Central their home. Together, prioritizing the Kingdom, we have the privilege of seeing our vision of reaching the Eastern Fraser Valley become a reality. Please consider your part in our collective mission for God’s glory!



We believe in the power of prayer. We value prayer. And we believe that God answers prayer and uses it as a means of achieving His purposes in the church and world.

Central's Elders invite you to come and receive prayer in the Chilliwack Campus Sanctuary.

Tuesday, June 18 | 6.30PM - 7.00PM
Chilliwack Campus | 46100 Chilliwack Central Road

You can also submit prayer requests using the link below.

Request Prayer

Got questions or words of encouragement? We'd love to hear from you!
Please contact The Elders -

Categories: Elders Update